When writing the “Why Us?” Or “Why This College?” essay, it’s important to not only think about what you will get involved with in college, but also what you will bring to the college. Think of this essay as a “why we’re a good match” essay.
Key tips for writing this essay:
- Do your research. What majors are you interested in? What classes are you excited about taking? What specific programs are you interested in? What clubs do you want to join?
- Do the virtual tours and take notes.
- Contact your local admissions officer by email and speak to them in person at your high school or college fair. Ask them about something that is not easily found on the school website. Your conversation may spark some ideas of things to include in your essay.
- Think about the ways you’ll contribute to the college campus. What are you looking for? What does this college offer? What have you done so far? How will you engage on the campus?
Here are the most common mistakes students make when writing this essay:
- Talking about the weather, location, size, or reputation.
- Describing the school using the exact language found on the website.
- Thinking that this essay is only a “why them” essay and ignoring the “why you”.
- Describing traditions or other things the college is well-known for.