Volunteer Opportunities

Here are some organizations where students have had meaningful and rewarding volunteer experiences while contributing to their community.

Humane Society of Central Oregon: Tales for Tails Reading Program

Street Dog Hero: youth volunteer opportunities, working to build a community of youth that are knowledgeable, passionate, and driven to make the world a better place for dogs and communities in need.

Furnish Hope: furnishing homes for hundreds of families in need throughout Central Oregon each year.

Ronald McDonald House Bend: many volunteer opportunities from being welcoming faces and answering phones, to preparing meals, leading activities, supporting events.

St. Charles Health System: many volunteer opportunities

Council on Aging: includes Meals on Wheels, Pet Pals and other volunteer opportunities

Family Kitchen: most shifts include prep, cooking, making meals (both to go and dine-in), serving, and cleaning up.​

Healing Reins: side walking, facilities, horse leader, events, administrative

Bethlehem Inn: meal prep and other opportunities (also, meal prep from home)